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"Multisensory" as a Crucial Element of a Legal or Legally Relevant Text

Colette R. Brunschwig

2011-05-05 09:04

The Mississippi Department of Education published "Guidelines and Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders" (see attachment).

According to those Guidelines and Procedures, "The purpose of this handbook of procedures related to dyslexia is to provide guidelines for Mississippi school districts, teachers, and parents in the identification and instruction of students with dyslexia."

The adjective "multisensory" appears several times in this text. On page 30, for instance, the Department of Education explaines the adjective "multisensory" as follows,

"Multisensory – refers to the combined use of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile senses to reinforce learning."

In my essay "Multisensory Law and Legal Informatics," I observed:

"Uni- and multisensory phenomena occur in the law. Here, 'law' refers to the sources of law in a strict sense […].'Law' thus includes the legislation of legislative, executive, and state-recognized contracts relating to international law. Consequently, the law in a strict sense rules or governs uni- and multisensory phenomena. Importantly, these phenomena are predominantly verbally ruled, that is, by the written word" (Brunschwig, C. R., Multisensory Law and Legal Informatics – A Comparison of How these Legal Disciplines Relate to Visual Law, in: A. Geist (ed.), Structuring Legal Semantics, Festschrift for Erich Schweighofer, Bern 2011, p. 592; see also last accessed on May 5, 2011).

What we have in the "Guidelines and Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders" could therefore be qualified as a multisensory phenomenon or rather as multisensory phenomena in the law.

It would go beyond the scope of this posting to discuss the law as a uni- and multisensory phenomenon in the law and the law as a uni- and multisensory phenomenon (see, instead, the aforementioned essay on multisensory law, p. 593 sqq.).

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multisensory lawmultisensory phenomena in the law