U.K.: New Code of Practice for Internet Service Providers

von Dr. Axel Spies, veröffentlicht am 05.06.2008

A new Code of Practice to ensure that internet service providers (ISPs) provide greater clarity over customers’ broadband line speeds was published today by Ofcom. Would this make sense in Germany? 
Some 32 ISPs, covering over 90 per cent of broadband customers, have already agreed to honour both the letter and the spirit of the Code to give consumers a clearer understanding of the speeds they can get and to ensure that they are on an appropriate broadband package.
A news release on the Code can be found at: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/media/news/2008/06/nr_20080605

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It would make sense - many ISPs advertise contracts with "up to 16000", and only after the connection is set up, the customer notices that he only gets 1000. (Such stories are reported in "vorsicht Kunde" of ct magazin TV).


Bei uns würde auch die Regelung des Begriffes "Flatrate" sehr helfen.

Viele Provider scheuen sich ja doch einzuhalten, was angepriesen wird und "verkaufen" ihre Kunden(z.B. 1&1) oder werden einfach vertragsbrüchig(z.B. Moobicent), wenn es Ihnen zu bunt wird.


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