USA: Dept. of Homeland Security veröffentlicht Datenschutzbericht

von Dr. Axel Spies, veröffentlicht am 27.10.2008

Das US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hat einen gute 100 Seiten starken Bericht über den Datenschutz innerhalb der Behörde vorgelegt.

Das DHS Privacy Office unter der Leitung des Chief Privacy and Freedom of Information Act Officer Hugo Teufel berichtet, dass die Behörde wesentliche Verbesserungen und Erfolge beim Datenschutz erzielt habe. So heißt es in dem Bericht:

During this reporting period, we updated critical compliance guidance, such as the System of Records Notice (SORN) Guidance; issued new guidance, such as the Privacy Act (e)(3) Statements guidance and Privacy Technology Implementation Guide (PTIG); and implemented privacy guidance that was new during the previous reporting period, such as the DHS Privacy Incident Response Plan. Additionally, we made great strides in addressing new requirements, such as Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-73). We continue to examine our requirements as a Department and identify additional opportunities to develop meaningful privacy guidance ..."


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